Senin, 05 April 2010

Active sentence

A sentence is written in active voice when the subject of the sentence performs the action in the sentence

Passive Sentence

A sentence is written in passive voice when the subject of the sentence has an action done to it by someone or something else .

In a short definition of Passive Voice is a transitive verb form of governance where English berpelaku subject of the sentence as ‘patient’, ie who receives the action of a job. Passive sentences are generally most active in contrast to the sentence or commonly known as Active Voice, this sentence means a form of a transitive verb of the sentence where the subject berpelaku as ‘agents’, namely the action of a job.

Examples :

* Nick helps Merry. (Kalimat Aktif)

Merry is helped by Nick. (Kalimat Pasif)

* A lot of people are talking about Internet. (Kalimat Aktif)

Internet is being talked about by a lot of people. (Kalimat Pasif)

* Tini bought some computers yesterday

Some computers were bought by Tini yesterday

* I am drinking a cup of coffe

A cup of coffe is being drunk by me

* I take the shirt yesterday

The shirt taken by me yesterday

* I have written a letter

A letter has been written by me

* The guitar was played by player

Player played the guitar

* The road had been repaired by a contractor

A contractor had repaired the road

Sources :

* google

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